
Noch ein paar Zahlen

... aus der Abschlusspressemitteilung, die vielleicht helfen, die Dimension dieses Weltjugendtages im Nachhineinein zumindest ein wenig greifbar zu machen:

More than 3.5 million people participated in World Youth Day Rio2013, which included events in Copacabana, the Quinta da Boa Vista, Rio Centro and various parishes in the city.
July 23: 600,000 people attended;
July 25: 1.2 million people attended;
July 26: 2 million attended;
July 27: 3.5 million people attended;
July 28: 3.7 million people attended.
427,000 pilgrims registered, from 175 countries.
Countries with the highest number of entries: Brazil, Argentina, USA, Chile, Italy, Venezuela, France, Paraguay, Peru and Mexico.
55% of those registered were women, 45% men.
60% of the public registered are between 19 and 34 years.
Registered with hosting: 180.000 approx.
Accommodation capacity: 356,400.
Approximately 800 artists participated in the Main Events.
60,000 volunteers.
6,500 accredited journalists from 57 countries.
264 locals of catechesis, in 25 languages.
100 confessionals placed in the Vocational Fair and Largo da Carioca.
4 million sacramental bread produced, 800,000 for the Shipping Mass.
644 bishops enrolled, of whom 28 were cardinals.
7814 priests registered.
632 deacons.
Economic impact: visitors spent 1.8 billion Reais (Source: Ministry of Tourism)
Urban Cleaning: the Comlurb collected 345 tons of organic waste and 45 tons of recyclable materials throughout the week of WYD. This number represents 10% less than it collected in New Year's Eve in 2012/2013.

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